The Licence Amicale allows creators to share their work, peer-to-peer, with their fellows.
✓ You can
- Use the creation for all your needs (commercial or not)
- Share the files with your contacts, including the license.
✗ You cannot
- Share the files publicly on online platforms.
- Modify the files without prior authorization of the author·s.
☞ You must
- Contact the author·s if you need to modify the creation files.
- Credit the author·s when possible.

Terms of License
1. Definitions
1.a — Author·s designates the original creator or creators, or any other person who has participated to the development of the creation files.
1.b — Fellow designates every person who has been gifted the creation files published under the fellowship license, by way of another friend.
1.c — Creation files are the totality of files made available by the owner·s of the copyright, under this licence, who have been clearly identified as such. This collection of files can include source files, font files, generation scripts and documentation.
1.d — Use designates the physical or digital objectification of the creation files into a work that can be consulted and/or used for itself, as an artwork, software or otherwise.
2. Conditions of use
2.a — The creation files distributed under Licence Amicale can be used freely by each fellow, for all kinds of projects, commercial or otherwise.
2.b — The creation files under Licence Amicale can be distributed freely to your friends and contacts on a one-to-one basis, who will in turn become fellows.
2.c — The creation files distributed under Licence Amicale may only be used by fellows, in other words, anyone who has received the creation files from a previous fellow.
2.d — Fellows are requested to credit the author·s and the name of the creation wherever possible. The author·s’s name is included in the text file that is shared alongside the creation.
3. Diffusion
3.a — The creation files can be distributed online or in-person, including but not limited to email, direct message, USB drive, or external hard drive.
3.b — The creation files SHOULDN’T IN ANY CASE be distributed publicly. It is therefore prohibited to distribute these files on download portals, on blogs, social media, forums or on any other form of digital creation catalog on the internet.
3.c — The creation files SHOULD NEVER be sold in any way. If your clients ask to receive the creation files, in the context of a commercial project, the creation and the creation files should be distributed free of costs and with the present license alongside it.
4. Modification
4.a — If a fellow needs to modify the creation files to adapt it to meet special needs, please contact its original author·s in advance in order to obtain their permission. The creation must be distributed as is or accompanied by the modified versions, if necessary with exactly the same license.
Disclaimer : This user license becomes void and useless if the conditions described above are not respected. It solely and uniquely applies to the creation shared alongside this contract. The author·s remains free to distribute this creation under another license in the future.
Frequently asked questions
You can use the files under Licence Amicale in all your projects, whether they are commercial or not. You can also share the creation files with your contacts.
Oh no, you don't! This license forbids to publicly share the creation files on a website or an online repository. The only way to share the files with your friends is to send them directly (via usb, mail, or direct message for example).
Yes and no. It is theoretically possible to modify the creation, as long as you get the author's agreement (you will probably find his contact in the credits of the creation). In this sense, this license is not OpenSource, although the author can also share partially or totally the source files in the folder.
Users are kindly asked to mention the author when possible.
The Licence Amicale allows for the regulation of a work's distribution within a private setting, while encouraging its natural propagation among individuals.
• You can share with your friends and family a project in progress, or a draft, and at the same time you can license it. If you design creations at leisure, as part of your studies or professional activity, and you would like to share them with student friends, graphic artists, designers or your family. If you are used to share these creations in progress with your friends and family, but you do not want to use a license to distribute these files... This one is intended to help you to frame this practice.
• You can sell a finished creation, and encourage its diffusion. If you sell your creations but want to open up your audience, you can rely on your first buyers to spread your work. It's a great way to get your work out there!
Licence Amicale was first created for typeface distribution. However, it can be applied to other types of digital creations (music, 3D files, software or other).
Download this folder. It contains a standard folder which will contain your creation and which you will diffuse to your friends. You can partially modify the structure of the folder but the license and credits must always remain present. If you share the license with a friend, it is useful to briefly explain its specificity and to mention this website!
It is not an open source license, but the authors can share the source files with the creation files if they wish.